It upsets me when hiking and seeing signs of people such as their trash, carvings on trees, neglect and damage or old campfire pits. Our forest, wetlands and prairies are the most breathtaking when kept free of human traces. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to walk into every natural space and think, “I must be the first person to have ever been here!”
My passion is for preserving our ecosystem and believe it is important to take a stand in the preservation of our ecosystems for current and future generations. I also have a love for our bats and I have taken a stand to become an advocate for their future.
I may be considered middle aged but not too old to make a change in my life. I still have several years left in the work force so I decided to change directions. I started volunteering for reputable environmental agencies which also provides me experience in the field. I have also returned to school to gain my education.
Experiencing and caring for the natural world is one way I stay feeling young. I enrolled at Columbus State Community College and plan to transfer to Ohio State University to further my degree program. See my educational program.
- Read more about my activities and goals under my "Portfolio" tab.
- Connect with me on LinkedIn and iNaturalist. Also, I am not a professional photographer but I do have a few blogs and a You Tube channel where I share my nature photos and videos; links below will connect you to these sites.